
The Mikki Muzzle is a lightweight, comfortable muzzle that restricts a dogs ability to bite. It is best used for grooming or veterinary visits, not for prolonged use or during exercise as it restricts a dogs abilty to pant.

Quick and easy to fit
Adjustable straps for the perfect fit
easy fit snap lock
Fitting Instructions:

Allow enough space for you to slide one finger inside the muzzle, around the side of your dog?s nose (fig. 1). This will enable them to pant, drink and for you to give titbits during training sessions. Practise putting the muzzle on, then reward and praise your dog to encourage him to relax (fig. 2). Attach the Velcro loop to your dog?s collar for extra security.

When first introducing the muzzle to your dog, only put it on for short periods of time, building up until he is used to it and comfortable with how he feels.

Make sure:

? You have the right size muzzle for your dog

? The muzzle is only used for safety and restraint ? not punishment

? You do not use for prolonged periods or during strenuous exercise

? You do not leave your muzzled dog unattended


Size Guide:

Mikki Muzzle

The Mikki Muzzle is a lightweight, comfortable muzzle that restricts a dogs ability to bite. It is best used for grooming or veterinary visits, not for prolonged use or during exercise as it restricts a dogs abilty to pant.

Quick and easy to fit
Adjustable straps for the perfect fit
easy fit snap lock
Fitting Instructions:

Allow enough space for you to slide one finger inside the muzzle, around the side of your dog?s nose (fig. 1). This will enable them to pant, drink and for you to give titbits during training sessions. Practise putting the muzzle on, then reward and praise your dog to encourage him to relax (fig. 2). Attach the Velcro loop to your dog?s collar for extra security.

When first introducing the muzzle to your dog, only put it on for short periods of time, building up until he is used to it and comfortable with how he feels.

Make sure:

? You have the right size muzzle for your dog

? The muzzle is only used for safety and restraint ? not punishment

? You do not use for prolonged periods or during strenuous exercise

? You do not leave your muzzled dog unattended




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