• All-Natural, wild-like nutrition.
  • No waste product used as fillers such as nut shells, maise, sunflower seed husks, soya bean husks.
  • Developed with zoo vet oversight.
  • Added Bee Pollen, ReVitaliseD3 and a Probiotic.
  • Highly palatable and low waste compressed food.
  • Feed as a hydrated mulch or dry.
  • An average minimum grass and herb mix of 52 EU grown species plus additional flowers, petals and whole leaf plants.
  • No chinchilla dust added to dry out the digestive tract.
  • Can make up to 70% of the total diet. Add in seasonal fresh salads, flowers, weeds and herbs as available.
  • A pressed mix, not a baked extruded pellet.
  • Size: 500g 


Grass and botanical Mix, average 52 species plus the Following; Timothy Hay, Dandelion Leaves, Nettle, Plantain, Strawberry Leaves, Blackberry Leaves, Raspberry Leaves, Red Clover, Rose Flowers, Marigold Flowers, Revitalise D3, Bee Pollen, Probiotics, Amino Acid Complex, Carotenoid Powder, FlowerBoost with Dandelion leaves at 2.5g per 100g .

Optimised52 contains EarthPro-RevitaliseD3 in a format specifically designed for tortoises kept with optimal UV lighting and balanced diet.

  • Vitamin A 3k iukg Retinol.
  • VitaminD3 1k iukg Cholecalciferol.
  • Vitamin E 30 iukg Alpha-tocopheral acetate.
  • Also includes Vitamin B complex and Vitamins C and K.

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